Sunday, May 22, 2011


The inevitable is what a birthday brings.
Timeless memories of days gone by.
The joy of listening to the Robin sing.
Your beauty never subsides.

Gifts wrapped in threads of gold,
from a distant placed filled with love.
True love of a friend from the soul,
with the heart of a Turtle Dove.

For all the birthdays, present and past,
may they always serve to enlighten your days.
To give back to someone who would give their last,
what better gift to give then to remind you always,

that you are loved by your brother

A poem for my sister
Your brother, Gamaliel

Sunday, May 15, 2011


How often do we get the
chance to say happy birthday
to a family member we love.

Hopefully it is every chance we
get, the years go by so quickly,
as we watch intensely as life unfolds.

Remember to live each day with vigor,
fearlessly challenging all the obstacles
that life places in your path.

Know that you are loved by your family,
and adored by your friends.
Always remember, it is true love that last.

May your BIRTHDAYS be many and fruitful.

Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2011

Friday, May 13, 2011


No one really knows what the future holds.
Through our efforts we strive to reach our goals.
After laboring, we wait for the future to unfold.

Building lasting relationships between family and friends.
Hoping that the threads are strong that binds and mends.
Having a forgiving spirit that forgives again and again.

It is the natural way of life that allows us to see life as we do.
The road map for each of us is different, so are our pursuits.
The path less traveled may seem harder; but at the end is the truth.

Knowledge seekers without a goal or reason.
Are like the search for the perfect flower, when out of season.
Going here and there, there is no cohesion.

How much have you gain from these few lines of rhyme.
How flexible are you to the changing times.
Have you made the right choices, are you willing to walk the line.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Before my earthly conception,
I was bless by the creator
who knew me in him.

With my earthly birth,
I was bless again with an earthly
mother who knew and served him.

As a child I would acknowledge
her kindness with an angelic smile,
and touch the tip of her nose.

We were of one mind, body and spirit.
My mother knew my every need. I don't
remember shedding tears for any link of time.

The days when food was scarce, no
milk, bread or meat was near,
she didn't worry, she knew her father.

She only had to go behind close doors,
and talk to him. He always
answered whenever she called on him.

Now that she is gone from the earthly realm,
I don't have to fear. She doesn't have
to pray from a distance.

Now she is sitting beside him.
She can talk to him face to face about
my needs, and they are still being met.

She continues to be mother.

Happy Mother Day
Your Loving Sons
Gamaliel and Curtis

Poetic Verses By Gamaliel H. Gooding
Copyrighted 2009

To My Wife, Elvira On Mothers Day

Mothers Day has always
been my favorite day of the year.
I get the opportunity once again to give
praise to that which I hold so dear.

I am thankful that God saw in his
infinite wisdom to bring us together.
You have been patient through the
good times and stormy weather.

Through your eyes, I came to see
the true meaning of friendship and love.
Because of the goodness of your heart,
I was transformed into a Dove.

Even though Mothers Day comes once a
year by a calendar that is man made.
I know that you are a mother all year long,
that is why I give you praise.

Forever your loving husband